
Flareon ears and tail (licence commercial)

  • ダウンロード商品
    licence personal
    ¥ 300
  • ダウンロード商品
    licence comercial
    ¥ 600

include: - fbx - tails and ears -fur neck - bone -prefab -unitypackge inf : -2.800 pl -1 material licence commercial you can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh. -Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset -Allowed in Public Avatars -Give me credits -Do not resell buy avatar : https://yumily16.booth.pm/items/5327958 USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1 Discord : yumily0970

Flareon ears and tail (licence commercial)
include: - fbx - tails and ears -fur neck - bone -prefab -unitypackge inf : -2.800 pl -1 material licence commercial you can modify or edit the texture and the base mesh. -Do not broadcast the files, share the link of the asset -Allowed in Public Avatars -Give me credits -Do not resell buy avatar : https://yumily16.booth.pm/items/5327958 USE SHADER POYOMI 7.3 and 8.1 Discord : yumily0970